Header / Cover Image for 'The Wildebyte Arcades have Started!'
Header / Cover Image for 'The Wildebyte Arcades have Started!'

The Wildebyte Arcades have Started!

Last year I repeatedly mentioned (in my update articles) that I was working towards my first English book series. Today, the first entry in that series was finally released!

It’s called Unfinished Game and available both in digital and physical format. Click the link for the official page with purchase buttons (for major stores) or more information.

The series is called Wildebyte Arcades and tells, as expected, about the adventures of the Wildebyte. This person lands in the world of video games! Each book shows how they end up in a new game where new problems must be solved. Such a setup delivers action and adventure in a unique world, but also subtle explanations about how games and computers work behind the scenes.

The series is episodic, which means each entry is standalone and you can read it in any order. Nevertheless, it does contain some overarching story threads for those who read multiple books.

They are short books (roughly half the size of a normal novel) containing a mix of genres: realistic, science-fiction and fantasy. Though mostly aimed at children and young adults, it was written for all audiences. That means the stories contain more complex elements and there is no “dumbing down”.

I really tried to make this series about light-hearted, silly adventures. But to me, stories are simply at their strongest and most interesting when they are about something. A perfect story is a mix of tense action, emotions, and interesting ideas—which cover up the fact that they subconsciously make you wonder about topics like “what is freedom?”

This first book obviously provides the first introduction. What the world of Ludra is like, why Wildebyte is there, and—as the title implies—that they must finish some broken or empty game to complete a mission.

The next books have already been written and even have a cover. The ~5 books beyond that have already been planned. I hope to release 4 or 5 Wildebyte books a year. Shorter books help me and my hyperactive brain to start and finish projects. But there are obviously loads of games to show off, and all of them are interesting for different reasons. Additionally, being a game developer, I actually know how the popular games are made behind the scenes.

There’s at least the guarantee that all books will release this year, for those are already done, but if all goes well the Handheld Disk will reach about 20 books. Hopefully my Saga of Life—which is nearing 30 stories, half of them translated already—is proof that I can do a long-running series.

And yes, this announcement is a few days too late (if you look at the original release date), but I won’t let it happen again!

There was a delay on some of the services that publish these books … and I’ve learned to push the “yes, definitely publish” button much earlier in the future. I’d already uploaded all valid documents half a year ago, but I never pushed that button, because once you do that, you can’t make any more changes (for free). Apparently you do want to push that button well in advance anyway.

Anyway, the first Wildebyte Arcades book is now available. Give it a try if you like the look of it!